Goal: Get Back on Track

Goal: Get Back on Track

Generally, there are two types of patients trying to get back on track: those who have lost weight through nonsurgical options and have regained it, or those who have had weight loss surgery in the past and need support to resume their momentum. In either case, you’ll find all the help you need at Stony Brook.

Our multidisciplinary team of experts will evaluate your needs on an individual basis, then equip you with a comprehensive plan plus the tools and support necessary to achieve a healthy way of living – lifelong. Depending upon your weight, health, lifestyle and preferences, your plan may include state-of-the-art medical management, advanced nutrition and exercise plans, counseling, behavior modification and group support. If you need to lose 30 pounds or more, your comprehensive weight loss plan also may include a nonsurgical or surgical procedure. Those who’ve previously undergone weight loss surgery may be considered for a revisional procedure as part of their overall strategy to get back on track if medically indicated.